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Beach Tip Book
Answer User Questions about Beach
Treating Sun Damaged Hair
Even Out Bikini Strap Lines
Beach Crafts
Choose and layer colors that help capture the ocean's essence.
Keep materials for an easy craft project on hand to keep kids busy.
Make sand sculptures with a combination of sand, corn starch, cream of tartar and hot water.
Bring Home the Beach Candlescape
Beach Drinkware
Bring unbreakable tumblers for beverages to the beach.
Choose polycarbonate drinkware for its durability.
Choose beach tumblers in a range of colors or patterns.
Beach Fun
Try out beach basketball for hours of beach fun and exercise.
Don't bring the whole beach home with you.
Engage kids in a game of 'tag' for simple beach fun.
Photograph surfers in big waves to get the best action shots.
Create a kit of tools to help you create sandcastles that have real detail and character.
Beach Towels
Choose beach towels based on your personal preference and style.
Skip the fabric softener when washing your beach towels.
Let your children pick out their own beach towels.
Bring a beach pillow or make a sand pillow to make your beach day more comfortable.
Beach Treasure Hunt
Know local rules and guidelines for shell collecting.
Set out on your beach treasure hunt early in the morning or in the evening.
Use a metal detector to locate lost jewelry at the beach.
Check with local authorities to determine whether you need permission to use a metal detector on local beaches.
Keep several pair of sunglasses on hand - they are sunscreen for your eyes.
Wear shoes to protect your feet from sharp objects, scalding sand and sunburn.
Wear protective footwear in the water to avoid cuts, stings and other hazards.
Consider removing your swimsuit's lining to minimize chances of getting a sandy bottom.
Best Beaches
Be aware of seasonal weather patterns.
Do your research on local details, such as crime.
Decide which kind of beach you want to visit.
Choose a beach resort that caters to your needs.
Look to the experts to identify the best beaches based on pleasant experience and safety.
Take the time to find the quieter beaches in busy and tourist-friendly coastal Thailand.
Australia has some of the world's best beaches, best enjoyed with knowledge and caution.
The Pacific Ocean is home to some of the world's most famous tropical beaches.
Seek out quieter spots off the beaten track for the best beaches in the Caribbean.
Take a cue from centuries of people “in the know” and check out beaches in the northeastern United States.
The southern coast of the United States offers beach resorts that meet a range of needs.
Florida's beach resorts range from the quiet to the exotic to the luxe.
Check out beaches along the Mediterranean for a blend of the beach and European culture.
Mexico offers beaches for spring breakers, eco-tourists, adventurers and those just looking to relax.
Check out the California coastline to capture some of the Beach Boys' experience.
Hawaii's beaches offer beauty created by extreme natural contrasts.
Consult publications, the web, and friends to narrow down your options, and comparison shop.
Be a skeptical buyer when choosing beach vacation packages.
Use national tourism offices as a resource.
Talk with your doctor or a travel physician about what preventative medicines you might need while visiting the world's best beaches.
Choose coolers or lunch bags that are the right size for your needs.
Get a separate beverage or water cooler to ensure that your family has plenty of fluids available.
Pack your cooler or lunch bag for safety and efficiency.
Keep your cooler clean for a longer life and better food safety.
Look for beach coolers that fit your lifestyle.
Insect Repellant
Use an insect repellent to protect you and your family from insect bites.
Choose a insect repellent that is appropriate to your needs and safe for your age.
Some insect repellents can be safely applied to clothing and other materials for added protection.
Do not use a sunblock-insect repellent combination; apply them separately.
Precautionary steps and natural products can provide some protection from insect bites.
Natural remedies can be very effective for treating insect bites.
Nature Books
Bring some nature books along to help you learn about the beach and its surrounding area.
Consult specific guides when you are deciding where you want to go.
Ocean Swimming
Swim parallel to the shore and signal for help when caught in a rip.
Dangerous conditions: a rip.
Know if you are caught in a rip.
Look for colored flags that indicate safe swimming areas and dangerous conditions.
If you have an emergency, do not panic.
Be prepared to be strongly dealt with should you panic while being rescued.
Look for patrolled areas; these are often the safest places to swim.
Signal a lifeguard.
Notify trained ocean safety professionals and keep a level head to help someone who is struggling or drowning.
Look before you leap.
Do not drink and swim.
Learn to swim.
Keep baby cool while having fun.
Watch your children closely.
Teach children to swim as early as possible.
Personalize your beach gear to mark your spot.
Identify lifeguard stations and locate yourself near them for peace of mind.
Use an inflatable pool as a play spot for babies at the beach.
Choose beaches that have a shoreline and waves that appropriate for children.
Beach Foods on the Cheap
Clean up your picnic area before and after your beach party.
Check whether you need permission to have a beach party.
Throw a winter beach party.
Create plenty of shade during a beach party or beach outing.
Keep your beach plan in mind when you pack a lunch.
Make careful food choices and practice safe food handling for a beach picnic.
Pack plenty of fluids to keep your kids hydrated.
Spring Break
Respect the law and yourself to ensure a safe and fun spring break.
Make sure you buy your spring break package from a reputable establishment.
Keep your identification and valuables safe on spring break.
Plan your spring break strategically to have the most fun once you're on vacation.
For fun, take a chance and enter a spring break sweepstake!
Sunburn Treatments
Add lavender to a bath or to aloe vera gel for an aromatherapy sunburn treatment.
Take a baking soda bath to soothe sunburn naturally.
St. John's Wort applied to the skin can be an effective herbal remedy for sunburn.
Brew a pot of tea to soothe your sunburn.
Apply whole-fat milk to soothe sunburn.
See a doctor if you have severe sunburn.
Take vitamins to promote quick healing of sunburned skin.
Mix Vitamin E with some household ingredients to create a soothing balm.
Increase the Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet to speed healing of a sunburn.
Treat your skin gently and moisturize after sun exposure.
Keep aloe vera on hand to treat sunburns.
Apply sunscreen liberally and often.
Do not buy sunscreen in bulk or store it from season to season.
Use plenty of sunscreen for optimal protection.
Protect particularly sensitive and burn-prone parts of your body with a stronger sunscreen or with sunblock.
Use specialty sunblocks on delicate and sensitive areas.
Practice sun-safe behaviors and use sunblock if you have sun allergies.
Apply sunscreen about a half hour before being in the sun.
Reapply sunscreen every two to three hours, and after swimming or sweating heavily.
Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to get basic sun protection.
Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's carcinogenic and ageing effects.
Your skin tone is a clue to how sensitive your skin will be to the sun's rays.
Enjoy being outdoors in the morning and in the evening to avoid the sun's strongest rays.
Use a t-shirt as an extra layer of protection from the sun's rays.
Pack plenty of water to last you through your beach day.
Use the rip to get past breaking waves when surfing.
Avoid and/or yield to active surfers when you are paddling out.
Avoid confrontations with other surfers by knowing who has the right to the wave.
Pad your board carefully and use a well-marked board bag when traveling.
Prepare to apply self-tanner by removing unwanted hair a day before you self-tan.
Exfoliate and moisturize your skin to ensure a smoother application.
Use self-tanning products to get that golden glow without damaging your skin.
Know your self-tanning options: Bronzers give you a temporary, cosmetic glow.
Know your options: Tanning lotions and sprays use chemicals to change the surface color of your skin.
Know your options: Tanning pills change skin color from the inside, but carry risks.
Tote Bags
Choose a beach bag made of a strong fabric, and that has comfortable handles.
Choose a tote bag with a zipper to keep valuables out of sight or to contain toys.
Look for a beach bag with pockets if you need the bag to multi-task.
Beach Newsletter Archive
Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to get basic sun protection.
Use plenty of sunscreen for optimal protection.
Your skin tone is a clue to how sensitive your skin will be to the sun´s rays.
Bring unbreakable tumblers for beverages to the beach.
Bring a beach pillow or make a sand pillow to make your beach day more comfortable.
Let your children pick out their own beach towels.
Skip the fabric softener when washing your beach towels.
Choose a tote bag with a zipper to keep valuables out of sight or to contain toys.
Look for a beach bag with pockets if you need the bag to multi-task.
Bring some nature books along to help you learn about the beach and its surrounding area.
Consult specific guides when you are deciding where you want to go.
Do not use a sunblock-insect repellent combination; apply them separately.
Natural remedies can be very effective for treating insect bites.
Precautionary steps and natural products can provide some protection from insect bites.
Some insect repellents can be safely applied to clothing and other materials for added protection.
Use an insect repellent to protect you and your family from insect bites.
Create a kit of tools to help you create sandcastles that have real detail and character.
Don´t bring the whole beach home with you.
Try out beach basketball for hours of beach fun and exercise.
Add lavender to a bath or to aloe vera gel for an aromatherapy sunburn treatment.
Brew a pot of tea to soothe your sunburn.
Increase the Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet to speed healing of a sunburn.
Take a baking soda bath to soothe sunburn naturally.
Take vitamins to promote quick healing of sunburned skin.
Treat your skin gently and moisturize after sun exposure.
Exfoliate and moisturize your skin to ensure a smoother application.
Prepare to apply self-tanner by removing unwanted hair a day before you self-tan.
Know your options: Tanning pills change skin color from the inside, but carry risks.
Choose polycarbonate drinkware for its durability.
Choose beach towels based on your personal preference and style.
Keep several pair of sunglasses on hand - they are sunscreen for your eyes.
Wear protective footwear in the water to avoid cuts, stings and other hazards.
Keep aloe vera on hand to treat sunburns.
Apply sunscreen liberally and often.
Choose a beach bag made of a strong fabric, and that has comfortable handles.
Australia has some of the world's best beaches, best enjoyed with knowledge and caution.
Be a skeptical buyer when choosing beach vacation packages.
Check out beaches along the Mediterranean for a blend of the beach and European culture.
Florida's beach resorts range from the quiet to the exotic to the luxe.
Hawaii's beaches offer beauty created by extreme natural contrasts.
Choose a insect repellent that is appropriate to your needs and safe for your age.
Even Out Bikini Strap Lines
Treating Sun Damaged Hair
For fun, take a chance and enter a spring break sweepstake!
Plan your spring break strategically to have the most fun once you're on vacation.
Keep your identification and valuables safe on spring break.
Make sure you buy your spring break package from a reputable establishment.
Respect the law and yourself to ensure a safe and fun spring break.
Make careful food choices and practice safe food handling for a beach picnic.
Keep your beach plan in mind when you pack a lunch.
Create plenty of shade during a beach party or beach outing.
Throw a winter beach party.
Check whether you need permission to have a beach party.
Clean up your picnic area before and after your beach party.
Use an inflatable pool as a play spot for babies at the beach.
Identify lifeguard stations and locate yourself near them for peace of mind.
Personalize your beach gear to mark your spot.
Teach children to swim as early as possible.
Watch your children closely.
Keep baby cool while having fun.
Learn to swim.
Do not drink and swim.
Look before you leap.
Signal a lifeguard.
Be prepared to be strongly dealt with should you panic while being rescued.
If you have an emergency, do not panic.
Look for colored flags that indicate safe swimming areas and dangerous conditions.
Know if you are caught in a rip.
Dangerous conditions: a rip.
Swim parallel to the shore and signal for help when caught in a rip.
Look for beach coolers that fit your lifestyle.
Keep your cooler clean for a longer life and better food safety.
Pack your cooler or lunch bag for safety and efficiency.
Get a separate beverage or water cooler to ensure that your family has plenty of fluids available.
Choose coolers or lunch bags that are the right size for your needs.
Use national tourism offices as a resource.
Consult publications, the web, and friends to narrow down your options, and comparison shop.
Check out the California coastline to capture some of the Beach Boys' experience.
The southern coast of the United States offers beach resorts that meet a range of needs.
Seek out quieter spots off the beaten track for the best beaches in the Caribbean.
The Pacific Ocean is home to some of the world's most famous tropical beaches.
Take the time to find the quieter beaches in busy and tourist-friendly coastal Thailand.
Look to the experts to identify the best beaches based on pleasant experience and safety.
Choose a beach resort that caters to your needs.
Decide which kind of beach you want to visit.
Do your research on local details, such as crime.
Be aware of seasonal weather patterns.
Consider removing your swimsuit's lining to minimize chances of getting a sandy bottom.
Wear shoes to protect your feet from sharp objects, scalding sand and sunburn.
Use a metal detector to locate lost jewelry at the beach.
Set out on your beach treasure hunt early in the morning or in the evening.
Know local rules and guidelines for shell collecting.
Photograph surfers in big waves to get the best action shots.
Engage kids in a game of 'tag' for simple beach fun.
Make sand sculptures with a combination of sand, corn starch, cream of tartar and hot water.
Keep materials for an easy craft project on hand to keep kids busy.
Choose and layer colors that help capture the ocean's essence.
Know your self-tanning options: Bronzers give you a temporary, cosmetic glow.
Use self-tanning products to get that golden glow without damaging your skin.
Pad your board carefully and use a well-marked board bag when traveling.
Avoid confrontations with other surfers by knowing who has the right to the wave.
Avoid and/or yield to active surfers when you are paddling out.
Use the rip to get past breaking waves when surfing.
Pack plenty of water to last you through your beach day.
Use a t-shirt as an extra layer of protection from the sun's rays.
Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's carcinogenic and ageing effects.
Practice sun-safe behaviors and use sunblock if you have sun allergies.
Use specialty sunblocks on delicate and sensitive areas.
Mix Vitamin E with some household ingredients to create a soothing balm.
See a doctor if you have severe sunburn.
Apply whole-fat milk to soothe sunburn.
St. John's Wort applied to the skin can be an effective herbal remedy for sunburn.
Apply sunscreen about a half hour before being in the sun.
Do not buy sunscreen in bulk or store it from season to season.
Enjoy being outdoors in the morning and in the evening to avoid the sun´s strongest rays.
Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to get basic sun protection.
Use plenty of sunscreen for optimal protection.
Your skin tone is a clue to how sensitive your skin will be to the sun´s rays.
Bring unbreakable tumblers for beverages to the beach.
Bring a beach pillow or make a sand pillow to make your beach day more comfortable.
Let your children pick out their own beach towels.
Skip the fabric softener when washing your beach towels.
Choose a tote bag with a zipper to keep valuables out of sight or to contain toys.
Look for a beach bag with pockets if you need the bag to multi-task.
Bring some nature books along to help you learn about the beach and its surrounding area.
Consult specific guides when you are deciding where you want to go.
Do not use a sunblock-insect repellent combination; apply them separately.
Natural remedies can be very effective for treating insect bites.
Precautionary steps and natural products can provide some protection from insect bites.
Some insect repellents can be safely applied to clothing and other materials for added protection.
Create a kit of tools to help you create sandcastles that have real detail and character.
Don´t bring the whole beach home with you.
Try out beach basketball for hours of beach fun and exercise.
Add lavender to a bath or to aloe vera gel for an aromatherapy sunburn treatment.
Brew a pot of tea to soothe your sunburn.
Increase the Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet to speed healing of a sunburn.
Take a baking soda bath to soothe sunburn naturally.
Take vitamins to promote quick healing of sunburned skin.
Treat your skin gently and moisturize after sun exposure.
Exfoliate and moisturize your skin to ensure a smoother application.
Prepare to apply self-tanner by removing unwanted hair a day before you self-tan.
Know your options: Tanning pills change skin color from the inside, but carry risks.
Choose polycarbonate drinkware for its durability.
Choose beach towels based on your personal preference and style.
Keep several pair of sunglasses on hand - they are sunscreen for your eyes.
Wear protective footwear in the water to avoid cuts, stings and other hazards.
Keep aloe vera on hand to treat sunburns.
Apply sunscreen liberally and often.
Choose a beach bag made of a strong fabric, and that has comfortable handles.
Australia has some of the world’s best beaches, best enjoyed with knowledge and caution.
Be a skeptical buyer when choosing beach vacation packages.
Check out beaches along the Mediterranean for a blend of the beach and European culture.
Florida’s beach resorts range from the quiet to the exotic to the luxe.
Hawaii’s beaches offer beauty created by extreme natural contrasts.
Choose a insect repellent that is appropriate to your needs and safe for your age.
How to Treat a Sunburn
Have You Thanked a Dragonfly Lately?
You Might Be a Redneck ...
Check Your Sunscreen Supply
Prevent Sunburn with New SunSignals UV Monitor Patches
Survivor Vanuatu Contest
Hurricane Charley
Sea Turtle Nesting Time
What`s my SPF?
Sunscreen Stained Beachwear
Sunscreen Burns My Eyes - But Not Anymore!
Let it Soak In - Sunscreen, that is
Love [Bugs] are in the Air
Beware of Bargain Sunscreens
Lunch for the Beach - Hold the Mayo
Advantages of Thin Beach Towels
Sunless Tan
Suntan Oil for Mosquito Repellent??
Suntan Oil Causing Smelly Towels
Florida Traffic & Regulations
Spring Break Tips - Date Rape Drugs
Spring Break Tips - Hangover Remedies
Spring Break Tips - Alcohol Poisoning
Spring Break Tips - Dehydration
Florida Spring Break Hazards - Part 2
Florida Spring Break Hazards: Part 1
Spring Break Eye Protection
Spring Break Sunburn Prevention Tips
Your New Beach Guru at
Baking soda
T-shirt simplicity
Learn to swim
How will I know I´m caught in a rip?
Peace of mind
How will I know I´m caught in a rip?
Whose wave?
Best shots
See a doctor
Whose wave?
Caught in a Rip
See A Doctor
Applying Sunscreen
Whose Wave?
Peace of mind
Baking soda
Learn to swim
Best shots
Keep an eye out
Signal a lifeguard
Baking soda
Best shots
Shoot this
Where to go
Safest place
See a doctor
Learn to swim
Keep an eye out
Peace of mind
How will I know I´m caught in a rip?
Learn to swim
How will I know I´m caught in a rip?
Don´t panic
Fun for Baby
Use the rip
See a doctor
Signal a Lifeguard
Paddling out
Beach Safety
Beach Safety
Beach Party
Beach Party
Beach Party
Glittering Images
Glittering Images
Glittering Images
Glittering Images
Beach Fun & Games
Beach Frequently Asked Questions
Should I learn to swim?
What is a rip?
How do I swim out of a rip?
Where are the safest places to swim?
How do I signal for help?
What do I do if I need rescuing?
What if I do panic during rescue?
How do I prevent damaging my board while traveling?
Should I swim after consuming alcohol?
How can I get out the back quicker?
How can I tell whose wave it is?
What do I do if I see someone drowning?
Can I jump straight into the ocean in safety?
What colors should I use to paint an effective seascape?
What's a low-cost craft to do with my kids?
What crafts can I make with my kids?
What is the best kind of drinkwear for a beach trip?
What material should I look for when choosing beach tumblers?
How can I help my family keep track of their drinks?
What is beach basketball?
How do I stop my car from filling up with sand?
What game can we play with little or no equipment?
How can I be sure to get a good surf shot?
What tools do I need to make better sandcastles?
What's the best beach towel to buy?
Should I use fabric softener on my beach towels?
How can I help my kids prepare for a beach trip?
What can I do to relax my neck while spending time on the beach?
Are there any guidelines about or laws against collecting shells?
When is the best time for me to find treasures on the beach?
Can I my lost ring with a metal detector?
Can I use a metal detector on any beach?
How do I protect my eyes from sun damage?
How can I protect my feet on the beach?
Should I wear protective footwear in the water?
How can I stop sand getting my swimming costume?
How should I narrow down when to visit a foreign beach destination?
Are there any local details that I should factor into my decision on a vacation destination?
What kinds of beach is best for me and my family?
How do I know which beach resort will offer a setting and activities that appeal to me?
What are some of the best beaches in the United States?
What are some good beaches in Thailand?
What should I know about Australia's beaches?
What are some exotic beach destinations in the Pacific?
Are there any quiet spots left in the Caribbean?
What are some great beaches in the Northeastern United States?
What do beaches in the southern United States have to offer?
Which beaches in Florida will appeal to travelers?
What is the atmosphere like at Mediterranean beaches?
What can I expect at California beaches?
Which of Hawaii's beaches should I be sure to visit?
What resources can help me choose the beach vacation that is right for me?
What should I do to make sure I choose a reputable vacation package?
Where can I find out more about my destination?
How do I find out if I need vaccinations or medications before going on vacation?
What size cooler should I get?
Should I keep food and drinks in separate coolers?
How should I pack my cooler?
How do I clean my cooler?
What different options are there if I don't want a huge camping cooler?
Why do I need to use an insect repellent?
What are effective mosquito repellents?
Are there insect repellents that I can apply to my clothing and accessories?
Should I use a sunblock-insect repellent combination?
What are some natural insect repellents?
What are some natural bug bite remedies?
What do nature books have to offer?
Are there nature books specific to my hobbies?
How will I know I'm caught in a rip?
I don't understand the different colored flags on the beach?
How can I enjoy the beach safely with my baby?
Will the lifeguards watch out for my kids?
Should my kids be able to swim?
How can I stand out so my kids don't keep losing me?
Is it safe to take my kids to the beach?
How can I keep my baby safe and cool?
Where is it safest for my kids to swim?
How can I ensure a safe place to hold a beach party?
Do I need permission first?
What kind of food should I provide?
How can I hold a sun-safe beach party?
What should I pack for lunch?
How can I keep food safe in summer?
What if my kids get thirsty?
What should I avoid when I am on spring break?
What should I do to plan a spring break vacation?
How can I keep my valuables safe while on spring break?
What should I ask when I am planning a spring break vacation?
Are spring break sweepstakes any good?
How can I use herbal extracts to treat sunburn?
What are some home treatments for sunburn?
What are some natural products I can use to treat sunburn?
What sunburn treatments might I already have at home?
If my skin is burned badly, when should I see the doctor?
How can I promote healing of my sunburned skin?
How can I promote faster healing of my sunburn?
How can I speed the process of recovery after sunburn?
What do I do if I get a bad sunburn?
How will aloe vera help treat sunburn?
Will my sunscreen last all day?
How long will sunscreen my keep?
How much sunscreen should I use?
Do some body parts burn faster or more easily than others?
How do I protect delicate areas from sunburn?
Am I allergic to sunlight?
Should sunscreen be applied before going out?
Do waterproof sunscreens last all day?
How can I keep from getting sunburned?
Why should I wear sunscreen?
What is Melanin?
When should I keep out of the sun?
What's one item I can take to make the most out of protecting my skin?
How can I stay hydrated at the beach?
Who has the right of way - those paddling out or those riding in?
Can I use self-tan products on hairy areas of skin?
Do I need to exfoliate before applying a self-tanning product?
How can I get a tan without damaging my skin?
How do bronzers work for tanning?
How do tanning lotions work?
How do tanning pills work?
What materials should I look for when choosing a beach bag?
Should my beach bag have a zipper?
How can I keep track of smaller items in a big beach bag?
What are some cheap and easy foods to bring to the beach?
How can I create a beach themed centerpiece?

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Guru Spotlight
Susan Sayour