Treating Sun Damaged Hair

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Is there any way iIcan treat my sunburnt hair?

Treating Sun Damaged Hair

The best treatment for sun damaged hair is prevention. Before you spend a day in the sun, be sure you've stocked your beach bag with a wide-brimmed hat and plenty of sunscreen for your hair. If you don't have any sunscreen that is made for your hair, skin sunscreen will work in a pinch. Always rinse your hair with fresh water immediately after swimming or spending time on the beach. As to how to treat your damaged hair, be sure you deep condition it, and continue to use conditioner every day.



7/10/2007 7:09:40 PM
Jackie. said:

While this is good advice another technique is to use V05 hair products. This help give your hair a shine and protects it from spilt ends and sun damage! =D

2/11/2009 8:54:00 PM
aizen said:

What xactly do u mean by sun screen plzz elaborate on it


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