Use an insect repellent to protect you and your family from insect bites.

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Why do I need to use an insect repellent?

Use an insect repellent to protect you and your family from insect bites.

Mosquitoes, ticks and other insects can certainly be a nuisance during outdoor activities, but their bites can be much more than a nuisance. At the most basic level, bug bites can cause annoying and sometimes painful itching. Children, in particular, find it hard not to scratch, and scratching bites can lead to scabs, scars, and skin infections. More dangerous still are mosquito and other insect-borne diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever in the tropics, and West Nile Virus, Rocky Mountain Fever, and Lyme Disease in parts of the United States. To protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes and ticks, use an insect repellent, cover up as much of your skin as you can when walking through tall grasses or the woods, and check your body thoroughly for ticks and mosquito bites when you are finished.



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